Debbie Jane Wales

Kim. Luton. UK. 

 I’ve been coaching with Debbie for just over two months now. I’ve been in and out of therapy for years for my condition and although I’ve had some success I have never found anyone who could piece it together in the way Debbie has!! For the first time EVER in my life I feel as though I’ve been truly ‘Heard and Seen!’. I know I have a long way to go, but Debbie is making sense of it all for me in a way I think only someone who has really walked this path can understand. She has a knowledge of the material which is second to none, and the true humility of someone who doesn’t pretend it’s easy for any of us, and I love her for this!! Eternally grateful.Thank You 1000 times!!!! 

Debra Jane Wales - Healer & Therapist